Story Medicine: The Burden of Blessings

There once was a man named Ahmed who lived a life of great prosperity. His lands were vast, his crops bountiful, and his wealth beyond measure. And yet, with each passing year, Ahmed grew more discontent.

One day, a wandering dervish came to Ahmed's door, seeking shelter for the night. Ahmed welcomed him in, but could not resist lamenting his woes.

"I have been blessed with so much," Ahmed sighed, "and yet my heart knows no peace. The more I gain, the more I fear to lose. The weight of my possessions sits heavy on my soul."

The dervish smiled knowingly. "It seems, my friend, that you are carrying your blessings as a burden. Perhaps it is time to learn a new way."

In the morning, the dervish was gone, but he had left behind a small, plain stone. Perplexed, Ahmed picked it up and found these words etched upon it:

"Hold lightly to that which is given,
Share freely from thy store,
For a blessing held too tightly,
Is a burden to the soul."

From that day forward, Ahmed began to give. To the poor, he gave food and coin. To the sick, he gave aid and comfort. To the young, he gave wisdom and guidance. And with each gift, he felt his heart grow lighter.

As his wealth diminished, his joy increased. And though his barns may have been less full, his spirit overflowed with a richness he had never known.

Years later, when Ahmed lay on his deathbed, he called his children to him. "My beloveds," he whispered, "I leave you now not gold nor grain, but a treasure far greater. I leave you the secret of a life unburdened."

And with that, he pressed into their hands the small, plain stone that had transformed his life. And though he passed from this world a man of modest means, his legacy of generosity and wisdom endured, enriching generations to come.

The (possible) Lesson

Ahmed's story teaches us that our blessings can become burdens if we hold them too tightly. When we cling to our possessions, status, or achievements out of fear of losing them, we paradoxically rob ourselves of the joy and peace they are meant to bring.

The remedy, as the dervish's wisdom suggests, is to hold lightly to what we are given and to share freely from our store. In giving, we not only lighten our own load, but we also open space for even greater blessings to flow into our lives.

This is a powerful truth for those struggling with anxiety, insecurity, or a sense of never having or being enough. By learning to loosen our grip and give from what we have, we can begin to break the cycle of grasping and lack, and discover a deeper sense of abundance and contentment.

Ultimately, Ahmed's story invites us to reframe our notion of wealth. True prosperity, it suggests, lies not in what we accumulate, but in what we are able to release and share. In this way, even the simplest of lives can be rich beyond measure.

Welcome to Story Medicine

Every Saturday, I invite you to join me in savoring a short teaching story from the rich tapestry of wisdom, with insights from a slew of traditions that can nourish us on our path. In the spirit of the saying, "I teach how to cook, not what to cook," these tales and parables are not prescriptions but provocations - sparks to ignite your own intuitive wisdom and light your way to a life of authenticity, meaning, and joy.

If at any point on your journey you feel called to go deeper, to explore your inner landscapes with the support of a compassionate guide, I'm here to help. As a licenced counselor specializing in integrative, holistic approaches, I offer a safe, inclusive space for individuals and couples to process, grow, and transform. So as you savor these stories, know that you are always welcome to reach out and continue the conversation. In the words of Rumi, "What you seek is seeking you." Let's walk the path together.

Abraham Sharkas

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🫶🙏 Abraham Sharkas, MS, LAC, NCC

Letters to Humanity: An Invitation to Awakening


The Path of Humility and Awareness